
‘I don’t record things for keepsake. I’ve never kept a diary. In a strange way my written work, screenplays and theatre scripts are my own personal diary, reflecting moments I loved, friends I’ve lost and people I destroyed’

I started this blog in 2014. Who would read it? I didn’t have a clue. I remember thinking K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) and writing whatever popped into my head! My first story was called Harlequin Ink, after an Australian movie from the 80s, Harlequin, starring British actor Robert Powell. And, that’s the way it’s been since the first post, whatever comes to mind or turns up I write about. I started out with around 400 views in 2014, today I’m averaging 8000. I still get excited when someone reads a story I’ve written. I don’t take anything for granted. If you like one of my stories remember to share and also subscribe. The last nine years have gone fast. A creative mind is always learning. Here’s to the next nine years and beyond! 5/04/2023

Cheers Noel Anderson xxx

REVIEWS – ‘Good writing Noel! Real and authentic’
‘Reading that Noel Anderson brings back a lot of memories for me too xxx’
‘Well written Noel. I’m looking forward to the next part’
‘You and a few of the others are at the top of your game while me, and my hangers-on smoke secretly in the back of the school bus

‘So honestly written, well done Noel. You are truly an artist.’ 

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